
listen to BORBOLETA Version des julakim Trio auf allen Streamingplattformen

julakim sempre enfatiza a importância da curiosidade para transcender limites e dar mais espaço ao belo. “BORBOLETA”, uma suave balada do gênero Musica Popular Brasileira, convida os ouvintes a embarcar em uma jornada interna e encontrar a força necessária para se entregar à metamorfose desafiadora. A parábola “O Sonho da Borboleta” de Zhuangzi aborda de maneira semelhante essa indefinição de fronteiras e o debate de identidade.

julakim betont stets die Bedeutung von Neugierde, um Grenzen zu überwinden und dem Schönen mehr Raum zu geben. “BORBOLETA” (dt. Der Schmetterling), eine sanfte Ballade aus dem Genre der Musica Popular Brasileira, lädt die Zuhörerschaft ein, sich auf eine innere Reise zu begeben und die notwendige Kraft zu finden, sich der anstrengenden Metamorphose hinzugeben. Die Parabel “Der Schmetterlingstraum” von Zhuangzi thematisiert auf ähnliche Weise diese Unschärfe von Grenzen und die Identitätsdebatte.

Akustische Version von Paula Carreira und julakim

Inner Light

INNER LIGHT out now on all plattforms

“Understanding the genre of Avant-WorldMusic by julakim extends beyond singing in diverse languages. More importantly, it’s about artistically weaving traditional musical styles into a new, liberating soundscape. This radical freedom, merging music, emotion, and rhythm, beckons the audience into a different world, a different state of mind. It’s a mission I’ve undertaken—to be a catalyst, a seducer, urging us to transcend boundaries, especially those rooted in fear. Curiosity, I believe, is instrumental in constructively shaping a better world.”
Neugierig geworden? Hier entlang:
An adventure of emotions that examines the intricacies of the inner self: “Inner Light”
“So, her sounds and her multilingual lyrics are an invitation to embrace our diversity, to cherish it, to celebrate it and to learn to appreciate it as something equally obvious. When was the last time you have heard so much openness, so much natural kindness, and so much positivity?” asks Bartek on No Fear, No Limiting Others

Inner Light

INNER LIGHT out now on all plattforms
Eine emotionale Odyssee, die die Tiefen der inneren Welt erforscht, bevor sie ihre Strahlkraft nach außen projiziert.

An emotional odyssey that explores the depths of the inner world before projecting its radiance outward.

Uma odisseia emocional que explora as profundezas do mundo interior antes de projetar seu brilho para fora.

“Understanding the genre of Avant-WorldMusic by julakim extends beyond singing in diverse languages. More importantly, it’s about artistically weaving traditional musical styles into a new, liberating soundscape. This radical freedom, merging music, emotion, and rhythm, beckons the audience into a different world, a different state of mind. It’s a mission I’ve undertaken—to be a catalyst, a seducer, urging us to transcend boundaries, especially those rooted in fear. Curiosity, I believe, is instrumental in constructively shaping a better world.”
Neugierig geworden? Hier entlang:
An adventure of emotions that examines the intricacies of the inner self: “Inner Light”
“So, her sounds and her multilingual lyrics are an invitation to embrace our diversity, to cherish it, to celebrate it and to learn to appreciate it as something equally obvious. When was the last time you have heard so much openness, so much natural kindness, and so much positivity?” asks Bartek on No Fear, No Limiting Others

Trop Sérieux

TROP SERIEUX is out now on all platforms: Gassenhauer aus Marseille sozusagen, der jedem die notwendige Energie gibt, um mit fantasievollen Raumschiffen ins Lichtuniversum bLuzLand zu starten.

Uma melodia cativante de Marselha, por assim dizer, que dá a todos a energia necessária para embarcar em jornadas imaginativas de espaçonaves pelo bLuzLand, o universo de luz .

A catchy tune from Marseille, so to speak, that gives everyone the necessary energy to embark on imaginative spaceship journeys into the light universe bLuzLand.

Am 3. November 1957 schoss Laika mit Sputnik 2 ins Weltall. Am 3. November 2023 erschien “TROP SERIEUX”, mein Lied und unsere Startenergie für die Reise ins Lichtuniversum bLuzLand. Welche einzigartigen Ideen und Träume möchtet ihr beisteuern, um unser Lichtuniversum bLuzLand zu erhellen?