Often it seemed unreal, but everything that has happened, has been happening just like that – iniated by my “Jump into the Blackness” two years ago and kept on-going by your support. Many thanks to you and the unknown!
Unfortunetaly I have not made a translation of my first year report, but let me simply sum it up:
– tour through Brazil and Argentina on stages, in bars, in the German cultural institution GOETHE Institut, in studios of production and broadcasting stations and on the street
– bringing the tour ITUFI to ITU, which is a city where everything becomes big – so will my tour get big, too? Watch the vidoe!
– production CD ITUFI – to the tropics and back
– tour through Spain, France, Italy, Austria and Germany
– longing for a band … Acid Rock Festival julakim with BardoeFada Banda in Brazil JAN2015That was a quick playback of the first year! But here we go: we are in Brazil again for the CD release tour and I happened to play with some bands and collaborate with even more creatives. Together with BardoeFada Banda, with whom I shared stages on festivals and on the street, we recorded two songs: one of mine SEI LA and one of them VIVIR A 3. Travelling further north of Porto Alegre Diego Lleon Banda staged with me! In Sao Paulo thanks to the flow and to Pedrinho Agi I sangthe famous jazzer Filo Machado on stage. After the show Pedrinho conquered me to make a song for him since he is a lyricist and he just adores my tuned voice! Okay, that is something new! Wasn’t I used to write the songs following an inner image … good-bye in itufi blue with my Brazilian grandparents MAR2015but well one Sunday morning I grapped my guitar and an arabic melody which smoothed into a psychelic universe found light. I recorded it and sent it to Pedrinho. Two hours later the sad news reached me that my adopted Brazilian grandfather has passed away. Pedrinho enrolled this moment into very poetic lyrics. The song ARAPSI has become one of my most emotional ones and is part of the set comPARTIR to be released in 2016. But before I can talk about the third set, I should mention the second one and I have not even finished with the report from Brazil: The Brazilian fashion label HUMANUS, which gets its inspiration from art and philosophy asked me to translate my songs into shirts. I came up with the bLuzShirts. The first one is on the song itufi. In December 2016 we can hold the bLuzTasch, a cotton bag for the second set of ZURÜCKhaltung. Back from her second tour in Brazil julakim stands out and back with ZURÜCKhaltung. back in Germany I started off with the set ZURÜCKhaltung containing only German songs as often requested in South America: a container glowing joyfully of poetic, abstract spaces. Attracted by an enormous volume of this -my- emotional voice, captured by cultural diversity of rhythm and stills, one will take of, will jump on . . . the train through a colourful landscape of sudden surprised togetherness. Since ever I was keen on ignoring borders by tenderness to prove how much liberty is lying in front of us. This set took me to France, Italy, Austria and Germany. and I’m more than happy to see the numbers of festivals rising! The biggest German festival within my city, the Schloßgrabenfest was captured by artist HÜSEYIN ASLAN:
DESCOBRINT ITACAS by Anneta SantacreuAnd while touring, back home arrives the multicultural, collective book DESCOBRINT ITACAS. I had met Anna one year ago at a festival, while living already one of my personal ITACAs provoked by my song INS SOMMERBLAUE! Happy not only to be part of the book, but Anna will illustrate the song for the next CD bookelt!
But the year has not finished yet and there are still some highlights to be announced: ZURÜCKhaltung besides other concerts will open THE location in Darmstadt which has been closed for renovation. AUF-MACH-Schlosskeller by EARLY LATE NIGHT SHOW on 15.12.2015. itufi has been nominated twice by the GERMAN ROCK AND POP AWARD which we will celebrate on the 12th of December at Siegerlandhalle in Siegen! and finally next year the kick off for comPARTIR.
So that is three sets in three years! A trilogy in geometric forms, since my life as an architect continued visiting now a architecture museum and a socio-cultural centre. VaniOcA, the organic house in Brazil, has already welcomed its owner!
The trilogy of julakim: a round ITUFI – to the tropics and back, a squared ZURÜCKhaltung and the trianble of comPARTIR can be seen live. But as well I am working on a second CD! Concerts are published here: