Dear bLuz.-ious,

Immerse yourself in Simplicidade, the 7th single from bLuzLand, and rise to simplicity. On 12.07.24 at 0:00 CET, our new single “Simplicidade” (meaning “Simplicity” in English) featuring Chris Cacavas on the Wurlitzer and organ will be released! Here’s a taste of the lyrics by Paula Toschi:

Simplicidade /não é mera / felicidade vem / me espera.
en: “Simplicity / is not just / bliss come / wait for me.”

A fusion of funk and sun, fun and soul, reflecting the essence of simplicity and the complexity of human experience.

The release of “Simplicidade” coincides with the anniversary of the arrival of Ra II – not the second sun, but the second papyrus boat by Thor Heyerdahl, which arrived in Barbados on 12.07.1970. Both events symbolize the crossing of cultural boundaries and the courage to explore new old paths.

Thor Heyerdahl, a pioneer of diffusionism, proved with his experiments on the Kon-Tiki, Ra, and Ra II the unity of various nations in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. His research on cultural intersections and my “leap into the unknown” inspire bLuzLand, where curiosity and trust open new paths.

Did you know that during the Kon-Tiki Expedition, the choice of material for the ropes was a crucial factor? The spirit of the time demanded more innovative technology like steel chains to better hold the raft together. However, Thor Heyerdahl trusted traditional ropes that yielded and thus withstood the stresses much better—a testament to the idea that softness can sometimes be stronger than hardness.

And don’t miss: The video premiere of “Simplicidade” will be on 12.07.24 at 16:00 CET on YouTube! (: with subtitles :)

Everything is gathered here:

Let the sun pamper you and celebrate simplicity with us,
Yours, julakim bLuz!