LUZ out now
A dynamic and rhythmic composition that fuses rock and funk elements and adheres to a coherent structure. It alludes to the philosophical motifs of the poem: illumination and obnubilation, which the light can engender; a dance between reality and fiction; change and transformation.
READ the whole interview “A Dance between Reality and Fiction” on LUZ online at NENESBUTLER
“I believe that by losing ourselves and navigating through the unknown, we can more easily reconnect with our true selves. My mission is crystal clear: to stand not against, but for diversity, flexibility, and joy because survival demands it.”
Ein Rock-Funk, der blendet? Der erleuchtet? Ein Tanz zwischen Realität und Fiktion, Veränderung und Transformation.
Um Rock-Funk que deslumbra? Que ilumina? Uma dança entre realidade e ficção, mudança e transformação.
A Rock-Funk that dazzles? That enlightens? A dance between reality and fiction, change and transformation.