“The work is distinguished by a touch of psychedelia that provokes reflection and has a profound effect. Julakim succeeds in making the persistent connection to another world audible and restructuring thoughts on transience. The interpretation of Pedro Agi’s poetic text is highly accomplished. The musical implementation drapes the work in a melancholic veil, leading listeners into a world of reflection and quiet remembrance.”
by Nene’s Butler presents.
ARAPSI ist ein tief emotionales Klagelied, das den Verlust meines brasilianischen Adoptiv-Großvaters thematisiert. Es vereint psychedelische Klänge mit dem arabischen Maqam-Stil und schafft so eine einzigartige musikalische Verbindung. Das Lied erforscht die Traurigkeit des Verlustes und gleichzeitig die bleibende Verbindung. Die poetischen Worte von Pedro Agi fangen diue emotionalen Facetten dieser Reise ein.
ARAPSI é uma canção de lamento profundamente emocional, que aborda a perda do meu avô adotivo brasileiro. Ela combina sons psicodélicos com o estilo árabe Maqam, criando assim uma conexão musical única. A música explora a tristeza da perda e, ao mesmo tempo, a conexão duradoura que compartilhamos. As palavras poéticas de Pedro Agi capturam as facetas emocionais dessa jornada.