Time flies by and I had no time to keep my promise to send you an update each year in November. BUT this is not such a bad thing, since I had to spend my time enjoying good things. Unluckily it is probably quite hard for you to come to my 5-years- party in Darmstadt. Nevertheless I would like to keep you informed and share a bit what has been happening lately.

On my instragram I posted some fotos of the tough beginning as a singer-songwriter and below you can see how I brought my first tour ever to the Brazilian city Itu, where just everything is big! The video itufi 2 itu shows you my roadtrip.
So in 2017 my trilogy was accomplished and made with love and some extra hours happens to be an art edition: the TriBox which includes the three CDs and a kit to build a spaceship to travel bLuzLand. There are liner notes apetizing the trilogy-story. I’m very happy to have been saved my musical diversity so far and after itufi – to the tropics and back followed by ZURÜCKhaltung to comPARTIR I’m open to some more creative stuff.

The presents I have been receiving all along my birthday month of November will be presented on my party on a secret location and on my tour through Brasil in March 2019.